Landscaping was not Kathy’s chosen career. Her late husband, John Thomas was the instigator. Although there were many times when the challenge was brutal, it has been an amazing journey. So much so, Kathy is having a lot of trouble retiring! After completing 50 years in the business, Kathy started her retirement journey in December 2020 passing on the reigns to a new management team. She remains in contact regularly and often coaches and advises. In 1971, John saw the opportunity to start Green Thumb Landscaping when his “real job” came to an end. With three babies under 3, the newest just a few days old, John’s job with Kraft Foods came to an abrupt end. With a word ad in the Hamilton Spectator, the company was launched.
While John had a formal education at the University of Guelph, Kathy’s knowledge was gained through osmosis. Growing up on a farm near Rockwood, crop yields and plant health were everyday language around the dinner table. A great learning environment.
It is humbling to Kathy to know that she is one of the earliest “pioneer” females in the landscape industry. Integrity, reliability and constant learning along with pride in training staff to do the best they could possibly do, created a solid basis for the company. When John passed away suddenly in 1993, Kathy carried on. Kathy’s son-in-law, Todd Rainey came onboard and took on Operations. Kathy and Todd are a great team…they can often finish each other’s sentences. Teamwork became even more important after John died. Trusting and respecting your fellow teammates is key to keeping all of the balls in the air, especially when times get extra hectic! Fast forward to 2003, Kathy decided she wanted a new challenge. The Bronze Frog Gallery in Oakville was opened. The plan was to connect retail to service. A good cross over of sales and services for customers. The gallery closed ten years later when the lease came up for renewal. Kathy and Todd decided it was a good time to say good-bye to retail. Kathy still has an online outlet for Bronze Frog Gallery, now an enjoyable hobby to stay connected to artists and clients. Kathy has 3 grown daughters, 8 grandchildren and a one year old great granddaughter. Kathy has been a Rotarian for 24 years. In addition, she has served on the Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation Board for the past five years is the current Chair. She joined the RBG Board of Directors in June 2021. Kathy remarried in September 2000, to Jack Pluis. Jack and Kathy love to travel, enjoy the children and an active social life.